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段星,博士、教授,硕士生导师。入选浙江农林大学青年英才培养计划。担任国家自然科学金评审专家,中国畜牧兽医学会高级会员;长期致力于哺乳动物雌性生殖细胞发育和减数分裂方面的研究,在Nature Communicaitons、EMBO J等国际权威学术期刊发表SCI论文30余篇,总引用次数超过700次;主持国家自然科学基金、省重大专项子课题、校科研发展基金项目等4项。担任BIOCELL杂志客座编辑,目前是Biology of Reproduction, Cell Cycle, Molecular Immunology等十余种国际期刊同行评审专家。 欢迎热爱科研,有学术追求的同学来实验室做毕业设计和报考本实验室研究生! 

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  • 教育背景

    博士(2012/09-2016/12): 南京农业大学,动物遗传育种与繁殖专业

    学士(2008/09-2012/06): 山西农业大学,动物科学专业


  • 工作经历

    2020/06 - 至今:动物科技学院·动物医学院,教授

    2017/02 - 2020/04:美国约翰·霍普金斯大学医学院,博士后


  • 学术兼职

    2021.8至今,担任BIOCELL期刊Guest Editor(客座主编).

    担任Biology of Reproduction、Cell Cycle、Molecular Immunology、Journal of Cellular Physiology、Peer J等国际期刊同行评审专家。


  • 课程教学

    遗传学 (本科生)




  • 获奖荣誉

    1. 浙江农林大学青年英才培养人选(2020)

    2. 校优秀博士毕业论文(2018年,南京农业大学)

    3. 校长奖学金(2016年,南京农业大学)

    4. 第十届亚洲生殖生物技术学大会(ARBS)优秀海报奖 (2013年)


  • 研究方向

    1. 卵母细胞成熟和胚胎发育的分子调控机理

    2. 母源环境/环境内分泌干扰物影响卵母细胞质量及子代健康的机制研究

    3. 人类疾病大动物模型构建


  • 科研项目


    1. 浙江省重大专项子课题(2022-2025)

    2. 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目(2021-2023)

    3. 浙江省属高校基本科研业务费专项资金 (2021-2023)

    4. 浙江农林大学海外优秀青年人才启动经费(2020-2025)


    1. 获2021年校级创新创业训练计划项目(本科生周雨亭),指导教师:段星,马翔

    2. 获2021年浙江省大学生科技创新活动计划暨新苗人才计划资助(本科生周雨亭),指导教师:段星,周潇烨,刘璐


  • 发表论文


    1. Shang JZ, Li SR, Li XQ, Zhou YT, Ma X, Liu L, Niu D*, Duan X*. Simazine perturbs the maturational competency of mouse oocyte through inducing oxidative stress and DNA damage. Ecotoxicol Environ Saf. 2022. Jan 15; 230:113105(指导本科生尚建洲发表).


    1. Niu D, Chen KL, Wang Y, Li XQ, Liu L, Ma X, Duan X*. Hexestrol Deteriorates Oocyte Quality via Perturbation of Mitochondrial Dynamics and Function. 2021 Jul 6;9:708980. doi: 10.3389/fcell.2021.708980.


    1. Duan X, Li YZ, Yi KX, Sun Sean, Li Rong*. Dynamic Organelle Distribution Initiates Actin-Based Spindle Migration in Mouse Oocytes. Nat Commun. 2020 Jan 14;11(1):277. doi.org/10.1038/s41467-019-14068-3. (IF: 11.878).

    2. David Drutovic#, Duan X#, Li Rong, Petr Kalab*, Petr Solc*. RanGTP and importin b regulate meiosis I spindle assembly and function in mouse oocytes. EMBO J. 2020 Jan 2;39(1):e101689. doi: 10.15252/embj.2019101689 (共一) (IF: 11.227)

    3. Wang H, Li Y, Yang J, Duan X, Kalab P, Sun SX, Li R. Symmetry breaking in hydrodynamic forces drives meiotic spindle rotation in mammalian oocytes. Sci Adv. 2020 Apr 3;6(14):eaaz5004.


    1. Duan X, Sun SC. Actin cytoskeleton dynamics in mammalian oocyte meiosis. Biol Reprod. 2019, 100(1):15-24. (IF: 2.96)

    2. Yang J, Duan X, Fraser AK, Choudhury MI, Ewald AJ, Li R, Sun SX. Microscale pressure measurements based on an immiscible fluid/fluid interface. Sci Rep. 2019 Dec 27;9(1):20044.


    1. Duan X, Zhang HL, Pan MH, Zhang Y, Sun SC*. Vesicular transport protein Arf6 modulates cytoskeleton dynamics for polar body extrusion in mouse oocyte meiosis. Biochim Biophys Acta Mol Cell Res. 2018, 1865(2):455-462. (IF: 4.739)

    2. Duan X, Zhang Y, Chen KL, Zhang HL, Wu LL, Liu HL, Wang ZB, Sun SC*. The small GTPase RhoA regulates the LIMK1/2-cofilin pathway to modulate cytoskeletal dynamics in oocyte meiosis. J Cell Physiol. 2018, 233(8):6088-6097. (IF: 4.522)

    3. Duan X, Zhang HL, Wu LL, Liu MY, Pan MH, Ou XH, Sun SC*. Involvement of LIMK1/2 in actin assembly during mouse embryo development. Cell Cycle. 2018, 17(11):1381-1389. (IF: 3.259)

    4. Liu J, Wang QC, Duan X, Kim NH, Zhang Y, Sun SC*. Profilin 1 plays feedback role in actin-mediated polar body extrusion in mouse oocytes. Reprod Fertil Dev. 2018, 30(5):752-758.

    5. Pan MH, Wang F, Lu Y, Tang F, Duan X, Zhang Y, Xiong B, Sun SC*. FHOD1 regulates cytoplasmic actin-based spindle migration for mouse oocyte asymmetric cell division. J Cell Physiol. 2018, 233(3):2270-2278. 4.522


    1. Duan X, Liu J, Zhu CC, Wang QC, Cui XS, Kim NH, Xiong B, Sun SC*. RhoA-mediated MLC2 regulates actin dynamics for cytokinesis in meiosis. Cell Cycle. 2016, 15(3):471-477. (IF: 3.259)

    2. Wang T, Han J, Duan X, Xiong B, Cui XS, Kim NH, Liu HL, Sun SC*. The toxic effects and possible mechanisms of Bisphenol A on oocyte maturation of porcine in vitro. Oncotarget. 2016,31;7(22):32554-65.

    3. Hou YJ, Zhu CC, Duan X, Liu HL, Wang Q, Sun SC*. Both diet and gene mutation induced obesity affect oocyte quality in mice. Sci Rep. 2016, 6:18858. 4.011


    1.Duan X, Wang T, Dai XX, Liu HL, Sun SC*. Melamine negatively affects oocyte architecture, oocyte development and fertility in mice. Hum Reprod. 2015, 30(7):1643-1652. (IF: 5.506) (TOP, 一区)

    2. Duan X, Wang QC, Chen KL, Zhu CC, Liu J, Sun SC*. Acrylamide effects on mouse oocyte quality and fertility in vivo. Sci Rep. 2015, 5:11562. (IF: 4.011)

    3. Zhu CC, Zhang Y, Duan X, Han J, Sun SC*. The effects of HT-2 on mouse oocytes and its possible mechanisms. Arch Toxicol. 2015, 90(6):1495-1505. 6

    4. Wang F, Zhang L, Duan X, Zhang GL, Wang ZB, Wang Q, Xiong B, Sun SC*. RhoA-mediated FMNL1 regulates GM130 for actin assembly and phosphorylates MAPK for spindle formation in mouse oocyte meiosis. Cell Cycle. 2015, 14(17):2835-2843. 3.259

    5. Dai XX, Duan X, Cui XS, Kim NH, Xiong B, Sun SC*. Melamine Induces Oxidative Stress in Mouse Ovary. PLoS One. 2015, 10(11):e0142564. 2.8

    6. Wang QC, Liu J, Duan X, Cui XS, Kim NH, Xiong B, Sun SC*. Dynamin 2 inhibitor Dynasore affects actin filament distribution during mouse early embryo development. J Reprod Dev. 2015, 61(1):49-53. 2


    1. Duan X, Chen KL, Zhang Y, Cui XS, Kim NH, Sun SC*. ROCK inhibition prevents mouse early embryo development. Histochem Cell Biol. 2014, 142(2):227-233. (IF: 2.64) (TOP, 一区)

    2. Duan X, Liu J, Dai XX, Liu HL, Cui XS, Kim NH, Wang ZB, Wang Q, Sun SC*. Rho-GTPase Effector ROCK Phosphorylates Cofilin in Actin-Meditated Cytokinesis During Mouse Oocyte Meiosis. Biol Reprod. 2014, 90(2):37. (IF: 2.96)

    3. Zhang Y, Duan X, Cao R, Liu HL, Cui XS, Kim NH, Rui R, Sun SC*. Small GTPase RhoA regulates cytoskeleton dynamics during porcine oocyte maturation and early embryo. Cell Cycle 2014, 13(21):3390-3403. 3.259

    4. Zhang Y, Duan X, Xiong B, Cui XS, Kim NH, Rui R, Sun SC*. ROCK inhibitor Y-27632 prevents porcine oocyte maturation. Theriogenology. 2014, 82(1):49-56. 1.5

    5. Wang QC, Liu J, Wang ZB, Zhang Y, Duan X, Cui XS, Kim NH, Sun SC*. Dynamin 2 regulates actin-mediated spindle migration in mouse oocytes. Biol Cell. 2014, 106(6):193-202. 2.5

    6. Dai XX, Duan X, Liu HL, Cui XS, Kim NH, Sun SC*. Chk2 regulates cell cycle progression during mouse oocyte maturation and early embryo development. Mol Cells. 2014, 37(2):126-132. 2.0

    7. Hou YJ, Xiong B, Zheng WJ, Duan X, Cui XS, Kim NH, Wang Q, Xu YX, Sun SC*. Oocyte quality in mice is 
affected by a mycotoxin-contaminated diet. Environ Mol Mutagen. 2014 May;55(4):354-62. 2

    8. Wang QC, Liu J, Wang F, Duan X, Dai XX, Wang T, Liu HL, Cui XS, Kim NH, Sun SC*. Role of nucleation-promoting factors in mouse early embryo development. Microsc Microanal. 2013, 19(3):559-564. 2

    9. Liu J, Wang QC, Wang F, Duan X, Dai XX, Wang T, Liu HL, Cui XS, Kim NH, Sun SC*. Nucleation promoting factors regulate Arp2/3 complex in meiotic mouse oocyte. PLoS One. 2012, e52277. 2.8